Being Mommy in Life Unplugged Next item When the Walls Talk

Last century in the time of our great great grandpas, world saw a speedy halt to life brought along by a global epidemic starting in Europe then stretching across nations, called the Spanish Flu that took up two years to leave our homes. Back then I’m sure even if in its relatively slow pace, humanity may have witnessed strange times practising social distancing or even a lockdown at that. Fast forward to the next century we find ourselves in a historical repeat of another pandemic, affecting millions of people worldwide, bringing life to the same halt. Every single nation has rephrased professional and existential commitment to convenient levels in the fight to brave the wicked Corona Virus or Covid 19 as it shall be remembered. Even as life unplugs on earth, there is still one job that has got to deal with at least twice as much work if not three times more. Can you guess which job am I talking off? You may, may not have guessed so let me tell you it is your, mine and every mother’s job whose small, slightly big, and even big burly children need to be mothered and appropriately so. Can you imagine if without going nuts we can see ourselves through these tricky times successfully, we may be coronated as the only super-humans on this planet. So, to maintain high-quality parenting we’ve chosen for ourselves, lets try and understand the impact of a compressed environment we will have to brace through, by first analysing, analysing, and analysing some more that will lead to clarity, clarity will lead to strategy, and strategy will help lay out the day even in uncertain circumstances. Our fair points to decode could be factors starting from our duties, the child’s personality, our resources, strengths and weaknesses (daddy at home may/may not be as useful as one thought) and also factors beyond our control. Assuming we have come a few weeks into the lockdown already, the nature of isolation is apparent to us. Time is what we all have sort of found on our side, so lets start by tricking time to believe nothing changes fundamentally, but for a few hitches here and there. Mothers of pre or older schoolers can put kids to routine with the assertion of pre-corona life barring weekends in which they can recover. Mothers of babies and toddlers can motivate their mind by enjoying little developments of growth that would otherwise go unnoticed. In fact little ones can be given a break from routine, much the opposite of an older child, to explore their wild wild end, because haven’t these younglings lived with rules their baby lives this far. Mums of older kids can derive motivation from the independence of their kids, who can moderate their day even in strange situations like these. Mothers should also make recovery time for themselves even if a twenty minute long bath or half hour long meal, or maybe a small walk if area permits. If one can follow a fitness regime routinely, nothing like it. Lastly, accept the role with or without co parent help, all encompassing as the captain of your ship and steer it towards clear waters with good food for fuel, and good hopeful thoughts for a normal tomorrow.
Niha Siddiqui
Former Journalist, Full-Time Mother, and Aspiring Author